Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need a referral to see Dr Park?

Yes, a valid referral is required from an Optometrist or GP. This referral is valid for 12 months (Optometrist or GP). Specialist referral is valid for 3 months.
Also bring Medicare Card, Health Fund, Pension card/ DVA details.
Please Fax Referral to 3715 5933.

Referrers please note: Please contact Dr Park directly if you have a referral that you wish to discuss with him. Dr Park would be pleased to take your call at Westside Eye Clinic.

Can I drive following the appointment?

To allow comprehensive examination, your eyes will be dilated and it is recommended that you DO NOT drive or operate heavy machinery until your vision normalises. Please organise transport on the day of appointment.

How long does the appointment take?

Please allow at least 1.5 – 2 hours for your appointment. Extra time should be allocated if further tests and treatment is required on the day. Please bring your glasses and list of medications e.g. diabetes medication.

How can I claim my rebate?

Your health care fund does not cover the cost office visits. With a current referral, Medicare will give you a rebate for your visit and for most of tests and treatments. There will be gap payment and Medicare rebate will increase if you have reached Medicare threshold. We can process the claim for you after you have paid. Medicare refund will be processed and your Medicare rebate will go into your nominated account within a day (if you have provided bank details to Medicare). This is a private clinic and does not bulk bill patients.

What procedures are performed at Westside Eye Clinic?

We are a fully equipped modern ophthalmic practice and can perform eye exams, visual field analysis (for glaucoma) and OCT examinations (Retina and glaucoma scans).

Intravitreal Eye injections (e.g. for ‘Wet’ age-related macular degenerationdiabetes, retinal vein occlusions) and minor procedures are performed on site.

Where do you operate?

Dr Park operates at Eyetech Day Surgeries, Royal Brisbane Hospital and Greenslopes Private Hospital, St Andrew’s Hospital. Cataract and Vitreo-retinal micro-surgeries are performed at these sites.

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About Westside Eye Clinic

Westside Eye Clinic is a specialist Ophthalmology practice located in Jamboree Heights near the Mt Ommaney Shopping Centre, in the Western Suburbs of Brisbane.

Dr Joseph Park is a Specialist Ophthalmologist (an Eye Doctor) who trained in Brisbane and undertook further studies at Moorfields Eye Hospital and Western Eye Hospital in London, United Kingdom.