Cataract & Retinal
Surgeon in Brisbane

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About Westside
Eye Clinic

Westside Eye Clinic is a specialist Ophthalmology practice located in Jamboree Heights near the Mt Ommaney Shopping Centre, in the Western Suburbs of Brisbane.

Dr Joseph Park is a Specialist Ophthalmologist (an Eye Doctor) who trained in Brisbane and undertook further studies at Moorfields Eye Hospital and Western Eye Hospital in London, United Kingdom.

Westside Eye Clinic - Mt. Ommaney / Centenary Suburbs / Jamboree Heights / Jindalee

Our Services

As a specialist eye doctor, Dr Park would be more than pleased to see you for eye examinations, and may be consulted for second opinions. You need to have a current referral from an Optometrist or a General Practitioner.

Dr Park performs cataract surgery, vitreo-retinal surgery, and looks after age-related macular degeneration, diabetes eye disease, retinal vein occlusions, macular hole surgery, retinal detachment and general ophthalmology. He performs intravitreal injections (Eye Injections) at Westside Eye Clinic.

Westside Eye Clinic is a modern eye clinic well equipped for eye exams with OCT Retinal and Glaucoma Imaging and Treatment rooms.

Dr Park is a caring, friendly and experienced eye doctor who strives to provide you with best possible eye care.

Dr Park is a caring, friendly and experienced eye doctor and who strives to provide you with best possible eye care. Dr Park is Specialist Eye Doctor, a Fellow of Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists (FRANZCO), and is also a member of following societies:

He has numerous publications in international peer reviewed literature, has presented at international meetings and attends both International and national Ophthalmology meetings regularly to keep abreast of the latest scientific advances in diagnosis and management of Retinal Diseases and Cataract Surgery.

He is involved in teaching of registrars and General Practitioners through annual meetings.

In addition to working at Westside Eye Clinic, Dr Park is an Eye Doctor (VMO) at Royal Brisbane Hospital, a Senior Lecturer with University of Queensland, and also consults at Greenslopes and Chermside. He operates at Eye Tech Day Surgeries, Royal Brisbane Hospital, Greenslopes Private Hospital and St Andrew’s War Memorial Hospital.

Dr Joseph Park practices at the following locations…

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